Just a short blog following the subject of networking which i have recently featured.
You're out and about, no office, no latop/desktop/netbook, how other than the traditional sms (text message) do you/we keep in touch and upto date.
Now theres a world of different applications, gadgets and means of keeping updated whilst you're on the move, but i just wanted to take a quick look at some of the tools and applications which can really keep you one step ahead.
Mobile phone - everyone has got one, whatever the use, photo, text, mms, twitter (if your on o2 in the uk) and phone calls. But what about writing a letter in word, or supplying some financial data in excel, or even putting together a quick presentation. Quickoffice (which is available for many handsets/PDA/Iphone) has all this in one application. the latest version now has office 2007 capabilitites, read, write, edit and then save your work, even email in advance of your arrival to a meeting or the office.
Other useful add ons for your mobile include social networking applciations, such as twittix (for your twittering), facebook (limited to certain operators) otherwise there is a mobile version m.facebook.com,there is also a beta version of the linkedIn site available for mobiles direct you mobile browser to m.linkedin.com.
Other mobile applications combine more than one of the popular social networking sites, and as well as updating, allows you to instantly chat whilst on the move, an example of this is fring. Fring will also let you call skype to skype, in addition to most if not all Instant messaging (IM) forums (Gtalk, yahoo, MSN)
I must admit this is one of my favourite applications, it is feature rich, and if you have a wi-fi capable mobile/pda/iphone then free internet calls on the move is of great benefit.
The mobile world is constantly changing, new models, capabilities, touchscreen, slide out keyboards, 8 mega pixel build in cameras with flash, 16 gigabite internal memory to name but a few, and there are a multitude of sites and blogs covering every subject matter, whether by mobile operating platform or handset specific.
I hope to write about more of the mobile networking tools which are available and up and coming, so keep watching my twitter alerts (@hughesandy) and visit the blog regulary.
Links below for the applications detailed within the blogcast